In honour of Remembrance Day, here is a review/spotlight that is somewhat innkeeping with the theme of the event – Gummi Army Guys by Albanese.

Also known as Armistice Day, and Veterans Day in the US, the 11th November marks a somber occasion where countries stop, and take time to reflect on all those that served, and were lost during the First World War, and subsequent conflicts through the decades.

In the UK we also wear red paper poppies, or poppy pin badges, as a symbol of our grief, reflection and support of the armed forces. The Poppy Appeal was founded by the Royal British Legion with the first campaign taking place in 1921. Poppies, and poppy memorabilia were produced by veterans and volunteers, and sold to raise funds for the charity, as it continues to do so today.

These are the poppies I will be wearing this weekend

The poppy was adopted as the symbol for memorial after it was observed that they were the only living flora to thrive amidst the devastated war-torn fields and lands across France and Europe. They offered a striking contrast of colour and life amongst the churned up fields, smoking craters and fallen soldiers on the battlefields.

I’d love to be reviewing a gummy poppy, but the symbol isn’t as wide-spread here in America. But Americans, and the culture in general, has an unwavering pride in their veterans, making the image of the soldier a prominent feature during this time of global remembrance.

These dark green Gummi Army Guys by Albanese [World’s Best] look like they’ve been created in the same mold as the classic toys! The size, scale, colour and detail is strikingly similar to the little Army soldiers we saw come to life in Toy Story, and have been a feature of little boy’s bedrooms for generations.

Gummi Army Guys by Albanese

Albanese are one of the few American-made gummi-producing companies whose products I thoroughly enjoy. Their sweets are plump and juicy, with strong recognizable flavours and a pleasing texture (it’s what they’re famous for) – and these little Army Guys are no exception.

They have a subtle, but identifiable, green apple taste and are semi-chewy. The Army Guys come in four figures; a shooter, a grenade thrower, and two bazooka-bearing soldiers that lie down and kneel. These candies are made to be played with!

I’ll be sharing these fun and tasty treats with my husband and father-in-law (both US veterans), and will send some to my own parents (both British Army veterans) via care package this winter.

Food designed to be played with!

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