Did you know that the infamous Marquis de Sade, Donatien Alphonse François, loved chocolate so much, that he demanded that it be brought to him while serving time in prison for his explicit exploits?

Marquis de Sade 1740-1814

In May 1779, the French writer, philosopher , aristocrat and sexual deviant, wrote to his wife, Renée-Pelagie de Montreuil, that the rations she had previously sent to him were desperately lacking in chocolate; here he begins to list his frustrations, starting with the fact that…

“…the sponge cake is not at all what I asked for. 1st, I wanted it iced all over…2nd I wanted to have chocolate inside as black as the Devil’s arse is from smoke, and there isn’t even the least trace of chocolate. I beg you to have it sent to me at the first opportunity….”

As black as the Devil’s arse is from smoke – that’s how I’m going to refer to all dark chocolate from now on!

Is this demon’s arse chocolatey enough?

Sade was well known for his violent and ‘sadistic’ sexual practices, numerous affairs, violent temper and blasphemous attitude – it’s where we get the term ‘sadism’ today. He spent the last thirteen years of his life in an insane asylum…I wonder if he ever received the chocolate cake he wanted?

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